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Contact Lenses

contact lensWe offer a wide selection of contact lenses including disposable soft contact, bifocal/multifocal, toric, and colored lenses. Whether you wear daily, weekly or monthly disposables, our doctors can find the right brand and fit that suits your eyewear needs.

What makes a Contact lens exam different than a regular exam?

A good contact lens fit starts with a thorough eye exam to ensure the most up-to-date prescription and rule out any pre-existing conditions that could interfere with contact lens wear. A contact lens exam is a comprehensive eye exam except with a few extra steps. The same tests will be done during the routine exam, however your eyes will also need to be evaluated specifically for contact lenses.

If you are already a contact lens wearer, we will make sure that your eyes are not being compromised or damaged by contact lenses, and determine that your current brand and wearing time is still meeting your needs. It is important to ensure your eyes’ health won’t be compromised by frequent contact lens wear.

Contact Lens Fitting

The contact lens fittings involves a series of tests that will assess the overall health of the surface of the eyes, and take a tear film evaluation to ensure your production and tear film quality are enough to support contact lens wear. Contact lenses can exaggerate dry eye conditions, however there are various lenses than can provide relief and comfort to dry and sensitive eyes. Once the ocular health is assessed, we will determine the best fitting lens based on your lifestyle needs, the shape of the eye, and what you do for work.

A contact lens teach is done to show you how to properly and safely insert and remove the contact lenses, and how to care for the lenses before sending you home with some trial lenses. We follow up the initial fitting and then make any necessary changes in fit or materials to get you the best possible fit. We teach all our patients proper contact lens care and also possible consequences if proper care is not taken. Then we continue with long-term follow-up to monitor the condition of the lenses and to ensure that proper hygiene is being maintained.

Book an appointment if you are interested in contact lenses.